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1845 results for: mdpe valves

For clean applications, use this metal-free

The all-plastic DrumQuik PUR chemical-dispensing system (photo) provides extraction of…

Explosion Prevention

Following the devastating explosion at the Imperial Sugar Co.’s Georgia…

Prevent Plant Upsets

    For many years, the job of a control…

Positive Displacement Pumps

Pumps are essential equipment in the chemical process industries (CPI).…

NACE-compliant check valves for high pressures

This new range of high-pressure check valves is constructed of…

These remote I/O systems are now more compact

LB/FB Remote I/O Systems are used to connect intrinsically safe…

Custom pressure vessels with agitation and dispersion options

This company has fabricated a 300-gal vessel (photo) designed for…

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Ice pigging for the CPI

Launched this month at drinktec (Trade Fair for the Beverage…

A hygienic actuator that requires less space

The MFO actuator from the proven 812/813 Series is a…

Member Exclusive

Metso invests in a new globe-valve technology center in South Korea  

To respond to the growing global demand for reliable valve…