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1845 results for: mdpe valves

Dilute-phase Pneumatic Conveying: Instrumentation and Conveying Velocity

Dilute-phase pneumatic conveying systems must be operated in a certain…

Focus On: Pipes & Fittings  

Make a leak-free seal, even for irregular flanges The proprietary…

New Products For October (International Edition)

    A nano flowmeter for high-pressure applications Flowmeters from…

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Georg Fischer acquires Harvel Plastics  

Georg Fischer AG (Shaffhausen, Switzerland; announced today that it…

Member Exclusive

Hoerbiger acquires Tritech Compression

Hoerbiger Holding AG (Zug, Switzerland; has signed a definitive…

A Novel Equation for Isothermal Pipe Flow

Compressible flow in pipes is common in the chemical process…

June New Products (domestic edition)    

    Expanded range of sizes now offers supersized rupture…

A double planetary mixer for viscous materials

Often used for the mixing of high-viscosity materials (up to…

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A new approach to maintaining tubular heat exchangers

At the 2nd Annual ChemInnovations Conference and Expo (Houston; September…

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Insulating Heat-Transfer-Fluid Piping

Heat-transfer-fluid (HTF) system piping is insulated to reduce heat loss…