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1845 results for: mdpe valves

Safe Sampling of Heat-Transfer Fluids

Collecting representative samples of heat-transfer fluid for routine quality checks…

An intelligent valve controller that keeps getting smarter

The upgraded Neles intelligent valve controller, ND9000, now incorporates a…

Reboiler Circuit Debottleneck with No Hardware Changes

 With a thorough investigation and proper problem diagnosis, an entire…

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Scaleup planned for a scale-reducing RO process

Rotec Ltd. (Ashkelon, Israel;, a technology-transfer company of Ben-Gurion…

Scaleup Options and Risk

Most chemical processes are born in the laboratory. The challenge…

Customized process vessels and mixing systems

This company’s pressure vessels and integrated mixing/processing systems (photo) are…

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Protecting Against Compressor Pulsations

Pressure variations resulting from the oscillatory flow patterns found in…

Condition Monitoring Methods for Pumps

Pumps are among the most commonly used machines in the…

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Ineos Technologies wins HDPE license contract in China

Ineos Technologies Ltd. (Runcorn, U.K.; has licensed its Innovene…

A valve manifold with zoned safety capabilities

The Numatics 503 Series valve manifold (photo) enables end users…