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1845 results for: mdpe valves

This wet alarm valve has a new stainless-steel trim

The new Euro Trim Model E2 in stainless steel is…

Heat Transfer Fluid Leaks: Break the Fire Triangle

Management of process plants requires the understanding and application of…

A fast PSA technology to be trialed at a petroleum refinery

QuestAir Technologies Inc. (Vancouver, B.C.; has received a CDN$2.2-million…

Inspecting Fractionation Towers

Distillation columns are often workhorses in the chemical process industries…

Calendar: April to June 2011

North America 2011 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting. Materials Research…

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A thermal wet-air-oxidation process treats gasifier soot

Scheduled for startup in the second half of this year,…

Today’s SIS: Integrated Yet Independent

By definition, integrated safety instrumented systems (SIS) have the potential…

Managing Measurement Costs in Automated Water Treatment Systems Using Smart Sensing and Blind Transmitter Technology

Installed cost per measurement is an important factor for industrial…

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I treat my body like a distillation column

My personal physician looks at me like I am a…

Emergency Shutdown Valves: A Functional Safety Approach to Selection

The relationship between valve selection and safety certification still causes…