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1845 results for: mdpe valves

Workforce 4.0: The Human Side of Digital Transformation

As chemical process industries (CPI) companies continue to experiment with,…

Monitoring of Water and Steam Chemistry for Steam Generators

Online monitoring of steam and water chemistry in a steam…

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Heinkel acquires Comber

ComberS.r.l., (Colzate, Bergamo, Italy; the Italian manufacturer of NutscheFilter -…

Printing sensors onto stickers

Advanced sensors are crucial to any predictive maintenance strategy, and…

Cortec announces expansion of industrial coatings facility

Cortec (Houma, La.;, a leading manufacturer of high quality…

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Extending the Life of Fluid System Components

With proper design, installation, monitoring and maintenance, chemical plant operators…

AOD converter modernized by Primetals Technologies started up at Outokumpu

In December 2018, the no. 1 AOD (argon-oxygen-decarburization) converter modernized…

Multi-purpose pressure gages for oil, ammonia and more

This company’s line of multi-purpose pressure gages (photo) includes models…

A new name for a range of control valves

A comprehensive range of control valves, now known as iCV…

Focus on Analyzers

A proportional level-output detector for pilot plants The Dynatrol CL-10GP…