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1840 results for: mdpe valves

This rotary valve is designed for complete shutoff and long life

The POSI-SEAL rotary valve (photo) is suited to on/off process…

Handle heavy-duty abrasive materials with this slide gate

The Titan Series TSG valve is designed to meet the…

This little valve has a zirconia ball and seat

The new Hard Seat VHS Micro-Dispense Valve offers repeatable, non-contact…

This erosion-resistant diaphragm means longer valve life

For its Industrial Diaphragm Valve (IDV) Collection, this firm has…

This smart gearbox detects fugitive emissions

This company is developing a smart gearbox designed with an…

This modular bagging system is enclosed for dust containment

The Encompass valve-bagging filling system consists of one or two…

Save gas and optimize oxidation with this system

This ready-to-connect oxidator box (photo) operates on the basis of…

Handle highly corrosive chemicals with this surface alloy

A recently introduced technology for manufacturing tantalum surface alloys offers…

Handle highly corrosive chemicals with this surface alloy

A recently introduced technology for manufacturing tantalum surface alloys offers…

This self-lubricating material is approved for potable water use

This company’s Hilube self-lubricating bearing material has recently been NSF/ANSI…