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1845 results for: mdpe valves

Use this valve in high-demand applications

MKS Instruments The High Cycle Valve (photo) is a durable…

Reliable, chemical resistant vacuum pumps

VACUUBRAND's chemical resistant diaphragm pumps are designed and built to…

These Spigot Ends are Compatible with All Major Piping Manufacturers

Factory-installed spigot connections are now available for this firm’s thermoplastic…

Control in the field with WirelessHART

While the first applications of wireless technology were limited to…

Momentive commissions expansions for silicone rubber and coatings in Thailand

Momentive Performance Materials Inc. (Waterford, N.Y.; has commissioned two…

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Acids Handling

Inorganic acids play a major role in the chemical process…

Honeywell and Flowserve announce IIoT collaboration

Honeywell (Morris Plains, N.J.; and Flowserve Corp. (Irving, Tex.;…

Member Exclusive

Believe your instruments, unless…

I was having a “wallflower moment” after Ms. Ruth Sands’…

Bulk-Solids Handling

Hoppers promote effective flow of challenging materials The Live Bin…

Icon-based interface improves user efficiency

A new icon-based interface is now available for this company’s…