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1845 results for: mdpe valves

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Dresser Masoneilan to supply valves for Qatar Fertilizer

Dresser Masoneilan (Houston, Tex.; was chosen by Saipem SpA…

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Sealing Solutions to the Rescue

Improved seals, gaskets and valve packings stand up to tougher…

What to See at the Chem Show  (part 2)  

Put an end to gasket failure from insufficient load This…

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BASF plans to expand vinylformamide capacity in Ludwigshafen and more business news

Plant Watch BASF plans to expand vinylformamide capacity in Ludwigshafen…

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 The Path to the Perfect Plant

Process engineers understand how to harness the power of closed-loop…

Plunger pump expands its flow range to 75 gal/min

This manufacturer’s 60 Frame triplex plunger pumps (photo) have now…

A modular dosing system built to match the task

The Compact Vertical Dosing (CVD) system features a modular design…

What to See at the Chem Show  (part 1)  

Dual-disc check valves cut fugitive emissions The dual-disc wafer check-valve…

The cost for concentrating ethanol may drop thanks to a membrane that acts like a valve

In order to produce ethanol with nearly 100% purity from…

Nordson to acquire Kreyenborg Group’s polymer processing businesses

NordsonCorp. (Westlake, Ohio; announced it has entered into a…