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2486 results for: injection valves

Scaleup Options and Risk

Most chemical processes are born in the laboratory. The challenge…

Customized process vessels and mixing systems

This company’s pressure vessels and integrated mixing/processing systems (photo) are…

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Solvay launches new product for air-pollution control  

Solvay S.A. (Brussels, Belgium; announces today that its subsidiary…

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Protecting Against Compressor Pulsations

Pressure variations resulting from the oscillatory flow patterns found in…

Condition Monitoring Methods for Pumps

Pumps are among the most commonly used machines in the…

A valve manifold with zoned safety capabilities

The Numatics 503 Series valve manifold (photo) enables end users…

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A more sustainable colorant technique for polyester fibers

The global textile industry generates a great deal of waste,…

TechnipFMC awarded an EPC contract for a sulfate-reduction plant in Abu Dhabi

TechnipFMC (Paris, France; has been awarded by Zakum Development…

Shred and grind bales of plastic in a single machine

Herbold Meckesheim This firm’s range of granulators has been expanded…

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New process generates salable products from Marcellus produced water

Produced water from natural gas wells in the Marcellus Shale…