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2486 results for: injection valves

Verify actuator dimensions with this 3D model generator  

AUMA Riester This company has developed a new solid-model generator…

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Reduce Gas Entrainment In Liquid Lines

A common practice in the chemical process industries (CPI) is…

Zero-leakage sealing for bulk powder handling

The New-Seal technology (photo) provides zero-leakage sealing of bulk solids…

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A cost-effective process for recycling wastewater

  A wastewater treatment process that consumes less energy, produces…

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A cost-effective process for recycling wastewater

A wastewater treatment process that consumes less energy, produces less…

New Frontiers in Metals Recycling

Precious and rare-earth metals are used in countless consumer products,…

Use these self-priming pumps in water service

This company’s H Series of high-head self-priming centrifugal pumps are…

Pilot operated safety valves with API compliance

Introduced last August, the pilot operated safety valves (POSVs) include…

Scrubbers: Are You Ready?

Most members of the highly regulated chemical process industries (CPI)…

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Simplified electrodeionization technology reduces operating costs

Dow Water and Process Solutions (DW&PS; Minneapolis, Minn.;, a…