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2486 results for: injection valves

Focus on Safety Equipment

Newson Gale Avert static electricity buildup with this hose-continuity tester…

An Upgraded Valve Boasts Improved Safety

This firm has upgraded its Valtek rotary eccentric-plug control valve…

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Avoid Safety Pitfalls During Plant Expansion and Modification

Follow this guidance to minimize risk when adding or modifying…

Engineering for Plant Safety

Early process-hazards analyses can lead to potential cost savings in…

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Compressed Gases: Managing Cylinders Safely

Compressed gas cylinders are widely used in research, pilot plant,…

Pump Hazardous Liquids Safely

Reduce the problems associated with handling hazardous liquids by following…

Designing for A Safe Process

    Accidents do happen. While not everything can be…

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Al-Waha starts up new PP plant

Al-Waha Petrochemical Co. (Dubai, UAE) has successfully started up its…

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GTL: Smaller hardware brings big benefits

The gas-to-liquids (GTL) process offers a promising option for producing…

A high-pressure microreactor for small-batch chemistry

The HPR-Micro Reactor is a high-pressure reactor specifically designed for…