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2475 results for: injection valves

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Saving Energy In Regenerative Oxidizers

Oxidation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in regenerative thermal oxidizers…

Diagnostics are Now Standard for These Valve Positioners

This firm’s Series 3730 and 3731 positioners now include all…

Focus on Feeding and Weighing Bulk Solids

Single unit combines bin discharge and feeding The Gyro Ex…

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Emerson wins major valve order for Saudi olefin project

Emerson (St. Louis, Mo.; has been awarded an order…

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Solvent extraction method shows promise for recovering bitumen from tar sands

Today only a few percent of Canada’s oil sands resource…

Oil from Sand

In these hard economic times, people working in troubled businesses…

Positioners that perform partial stroking

As part of its wide range of control valves, this…

Automated Condensate Sampler Eliminates Personnel Hazards

In order to monitor pure steam quality in sterile plants…

Current Economic Trends

Preliminary data for the October 2013 CE Plant Cost Index…

Blowdown valves for tandem or continuous service

Clampseal blowdown service valves provide necessary control for continuous or…