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2486 results for: injection valves

Compressor offers improved efficiency with smaller footprint

A new rotary gas compressor technology designed by OsComp Systems…

A Single Source for Bulk-Conveying Needs

Since 1979, this firm has been Canada’s leading manufacturer of…

Mag-drive pumps safely transfer hazardous fluids

Pump Engineering The 3M magnetically driven centrifugal pumps (photo) have…

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Smart Flow Monitoring for Better Process Control

Tighter control, increased safety and versatility result from improved flow-measurement…

Focus on Software

Plant-management software for increased integration, and more Siemens Industry Sector…

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Sonochemistry makes its mark

Industrial uses of high-intensity ultrasound have grown tremendously over the…

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Carbon-capture technology deployed at U.S. coal-fired power plant  

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI; Tokyo, Japan; announced today…

Incorporating social media at work

The explosion of electronic devices that surround us greatly influences…

Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Technologies

Several carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) processes hold much promise,…

Hoerbiger acquires IEP Technologies

  Effective September 1, 2015, Hoerbiger Group (Zug, Switzerland;…