A new rotary gas compressor technology designed by OsComp Systems…
Since 1979, this firm has been Canada’s leading manufacturer of…
Pump Engineering The 3M magnetically driven centrifugal pumps (photo) have…
Tighter control, increased safety and versatility result from improved flow-measurement…
Plant-management software for increased integration, and more Siemens Industry Sector…
Industrial uses of high-intensity ultrasound have grown tremendously over the…
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries Ltd. (MHI; Tokyo, Japan; www.mhi.co.jp) announced today…
The explosion of electronic devices that surround us greatly influences…
Several carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) processes hold much promise,…
Effective September 1, 2015, Hoerbiger Group (Zug, Switzerland; www.hoerbiger.com)…