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2486 results for: injection valves

weftec 2012 the water quality event

  Weftec 2012, the Water Environment Federation’s 85th annual technical…

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Startup of the world’s first integrated CCS of coal-fired power plant  

A carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) demonstration project jointly under…

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Novel gasifier uses liquid copper as the heat source

Liquid copper is employed to gasify wastes in a process…

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The science of droplets

Many chemical engineers study or employ distillation trays, gas-liquid separators…

Global Air-Pollution Regulations: Variation is the Norm

The chemical process industries (CPI) are, by their very nature,…

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A sorbent that enhances the water-gas shift reaction

Scientists at the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL; Morgantown, W.…

Keeping the water flowing

Currently, there are around 13,000 desalination plants in operation or…

Wet chemistry moves into the process for online monitoring

The Rosemount Analytical online wet-chemistry analyzers for sodium (photo), silica,…

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Better Filtration for the Bottom Line

Many applications in the chemical process industries (CPI) require filtration…

Clearing the Air About Respiratory Protection

Airborne respiratory hazards are a very real threat in the…