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2486 results for: injection valves

Throttling valves provide dependable shutoff

Clampseal throttling valves (photo) are well suited for severe-service applications…

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Sizing, Specifying and Selecting Centrifugal Pumps

Determining the proper preliminary size for centrifugal pumps during the…

Hazards of Oil Refining Distillation Units — Stanley S. Grossel’s review

Hazards of Oil Refining Distillation Units. By BP International Ltd.…

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Heat Exchanger Standards for Shell-and-Tube Equipment

Reliable operation of shell-and-tube heat exchangers begins with an appropriate…

Combustible Dust Standard Gets a Facelift

While NFPA 652 creates a general set of requirements for…

A Quick Look at Pneumatic Convey Systems Basics

Outline of Pneumatic Conveying Systems  A pneumatic conveying system transfers…

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A new process for making TDI slated for its commercial debut

When a 300,000-m.t./yr plant starts up in 2010 at Bayer’s…

This valve packing achieves ultra-low emission

A new low-emission valve stem spool packing delivers emissions performance…

Directly inject hydrazine into water systems with this instrument

The RHV System is designed to inject concentrated hydrazine as…

Monitor leaks in pressure-relief valves with this switch device

FLT93L Series FlexSwitch (photo) accurately monitors pressure-relief valves for escaping…