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2475 results for: injection valves

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Steam Reboilers: Condensate Vessel Balance to Reboiler is Important

Properly locating a simple 1–2-in. balance line can make all…

Vitol acquires BioMethane Partners to form new landfill-gas conversion entity

Vitol (Geneva, Switzerland) announced the acquisition of renewable energy company,…

Linde Engineering to deliver CO2 liquefaction plant for Yara in the Netherlands

Linde Engineering (Pullach, Germany) has signed a contract with global…

This laboratory cone blender has an intensifier bar

A new 1-ft 3 (28-L) capacity Vee Cone Blender model…

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Real-Time Particle-Size Analysis Technologies: Overview and Case Study

Monitoring particle sizes in real time can improve product quality…

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Heat Pumps: Decarbonizing the Process Industries

As the chemical process industries push to decarbonize their businesses,…

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Managing “First-of-a-Kind” Projects in the CPI

Developing a new technology from idea to commercial production involves…

These new check valves can be flexibly installed

The ES Series of spring check valves (photo) feature a…

How Choosing a Sliding Gate Valve Could Save Money in Steam Applications

In this white paper, learn how choosing a sliding gate…

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Isotope-enrichment process starts commercial production

Traditional isotope enrichment to separate radioactive atoms is highly capital…