The key technologies shaping industrial process control all work in…
This company has engineered a purpose-built VM-450-gallon VersaMix (photo) that…
Avantium N.V. (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) announced the official opening of…
This primer provides guidance on key aspects to consider when…
Standard load cells enable mechanical dosing with an accuracy ranging…
The costs associated with installing and maintaining pressure-relief valves (PRVs)…
Henkel AG (Düsseldorf, Germany) has acquired the U.S.-based firm Critica…
Producing hydrogen via methane pyrolysis – termed ‘turquoise hydrogen’ –…
Rupture disks are non-reclosing pressure-relief devices that protect vessels, such…
Eni S.p.A. (Rome, Italy; and Snam S.p.A. (Milan, Italy;…