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2475 results for: injection valves

Advanced Vacuum Control

Our most recent post addressed the benefits of proportional-only vacuum…

Valve World Expo

GF Piping and neustark partnering on CO2 removal and storage projects

GF Piping Systems (Schaffhausen, Switzerland) has started a collaboration with…

Actuation, green hydrogen technology and the energy transition

Green hydrogen is a clean and renewable fuel that has…

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Variable Frequency Drives for Centrifugal Pumps

The prices of low-voltage variable frequency drives (VFDs) have declined…

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Sizing Calculations for Pressure-Relief Valves

Pressure-relief valves are widely and effectively used in situations where…

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Compressible Fluid Flow Calculation Methods

Compressible gas flow with significant variation in density along pipes…

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Reducing Emissions for Sustainable Manufacturing

Facilities can reduce emissions without major capital projects. Here are…

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This photocatalytic reactor system makes chemicals without fossil fuels

Last May, Emerson (St. Louis, Mo.; was selected by…