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2475 results for: injection valves

Improve the connectivity of explosion-safety systems

Process equipment is usually connected by pipelines through which, if…

Baker Hughes invests to scale up Levidian’s methane-cracking technology

Baker Hughes (Houston) has backed Levidian’s world-first decarbonization technologies with…

These mass flow controllers have three new certifications

This company’s SLA Series mass-flow controllers (MFCs; photo) and meters…

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Chementator Briefs

Carbyne transfer Marcos G. Suero and his research group at…


Spherical Disc Valves for Solids Processing Applications Solids and slurries…

High-shear mixers for fine dispersions and emulsions

Batch high-shear mixers equipped with the Solids/Liquid Injection Manifold (SLIM)…

Metso and Hexagon collaborate to improve valve data

Metso Corp.’s (Helsinki, Finland; valves business has joined forces…