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2486 results for: injection valves

For high viscosity materials, consider these double planetary mixers

The double planetary mixer (DPM) is often used for the…

Administer solid water-treatment chemicals with these feeders

The Model CLR-25 and CLR-50 bromine feeders are designed to…

These acrylic flowmeters have interchangeable scales

This company’s 6A02 acrylic flowmeters have interchangeable direct-reading scales that…

These actuators’ plastic housing provides resilience and versatility

The ECP Series of thermoplastic quarter-turn electric actuators (photo) features…

The Direct Integration Method: A Best Practice for Relief Valve Sizing

What if someone were to tell you that there is…

Focus on Temperature Measurement & Control

This three-way valve improves temperature control This company has recently…

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Lifecycle Costs for Capital Equipment in the CPI

When considering project proposals for new processes in the chemical…

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Applying Thermo? Then Guard Against Misconceptions

    In process engineering and design, thermodynamics theory is…

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Chementator: A new process to recycle metal oxide and mineral residues

The Linz, Austria-based VAI Division of Siemens Industrial Solutions and…

Thermal Fluid Systems: Design Considerations

Single-fluid heat-transfer systems that both heat and cool a process…