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2486 results for: injection valves

Optimizing Flare Operation Through Proper Design

Flare problems are often caused by the seal systems that…

Mark your calendar for the 104th American Oil Chemists Soc. Annual Meeting & Expo…

NORTH AMERICA ACS Rubber Div. 183rd Technical Meeting 2013. American…

Focus On: Temperature & Pressure Measurement  

    Loop-powered digital pressure gauge provides local readout The…

Piping for Process Plants Part 6: Testing and Verification

This sixth and final part of a series of articles…

Ball valves with three seating options — graphite, metal and soft

Ultra-Seal Series 300 ball valves are two-piece, full-bore, flanged, seat-supported…

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Steam Generation Thermodynamics

Although proper water treatment and conditioning for combined-cycle units and…

Overpressure Protection: Consider Low Temperature Effects in Design

Understanding the inherent limitations of current overpressure protection analyses is…

Many valve types are featured in this new product line

The IPT Series of products includes a range of valve…

Member Exclusive

Chementator: This process improvement speeds up delayed coking

Decoking in a delayed coker operation is a laborious process…

This large-capacity mill has design features of smaller ones

The new 36-in. Orbital Bottom Side Feed Mill is designed…