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2477 results for: injection valves

This Mixer is Ideal for Viscous Mixing and Dispersion

The PowerMix includes two separate agitation systems within one mixer.…

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Keeping Corrosion at Bay

Given the recent focus on cost control, it’s likely that…

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Keeping Cooling Water Clean

Cooling water systems that rely on cooling towers are a…

Analyzers keep watch Inline

The often-uttered phrase, “Keep your eyes on the prize,” couldn’t…

A new actuator for hygienic applications

The new Type 3379 Pneumatic Actuator is tailored to the…

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Flow Measurement in Bitter Cold

The usage of Coriolis flowmeters for measuring mass flowrates has…

July Bookshelf  

Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers. Second edition. By James O.…

Drive Pneumatic Conveying Applications without Blowing Noise Limits

The Qube blower package (photo), featuring the new Qx blower,…

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Georg Fischer accelerates its expansion in China

Georg Fischer AG (Schaffhausen, Switzerland; is further strengthening its…

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Innovations in Gasification

There is increasing interest in meeting the growing demand for…