0 0 0 GEA Group AG (Bochum, Germany; ) has…
Edwards Rolando Haggblom Chomiak Bodine Steve Edwards will become chairman,…
Polymer coatings are often used to mask the taste of…
Linde Gases (Murray Hill, N.J.; www.linde-gases.com) has developed a novel…
A dividing wall column (DWC) is an atypical distillation column…
NanoEthics: The Ethical and Social Implications of Nanotechnology. Edited by…
Graphene continues to show new, promising properties Researchers from…
ISCRE 19: 19th International Symposium on Chemical Reaction Engineering.…
Liquid-level measurement in storage tanks or other vessels is important…
As long as the chemical process industries (CPI) have existed,…