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2486 results for: injection valves

Progress to Limit Climate Change

As world leaders agree on the need to reduce greenhouse…

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CO2-Capture Technologies Aim to Cut Costs

Despite cost hurdles, CO2-capture technologies continue to advance, driven by…

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 The Path to the Perfect Plant

Process engineers understand how to harness the power of closed-loop…

French effort to put CO2 in its place…

Last month, Total S.A. (Paris, France; launched what is…

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Add CaC2 to improve the efficiency of steelmaking furnaces

An innovation that improves the steelmaking efficiency of an electric…

Plunger pump expands its flow range to 75 gal/min

This manufacturer’s 60 Frame triplex plunger pumps (photo) have now…

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A new zeolite catalyst promises to significantly improve naphtha cracking

Chiyoda Corp. (Yokohama, has been working on a new…

A modular dosing system built to match the task

The Compact Vertical Dosing (CVD) system features a modular design…

What to See at the Chem Show  (part 1)  

Dual-disc check valves cut fugitive emissions The dual-disc wafer check-valve…

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A shocking way to compress CO2

Compressing carbon dioxide captured from power plants to 1,500–2,200 psia…