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3164 results for: hygienic pipe fittings

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Harnessing the Power of a Cyclone

Due to their simplicity of construction, lack of moving parts,…

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Pneumatic Conveying: Before Stepping the Line, Look Into Air Extraction

Successively larger diameters downstream can raise problems. Physical removal of…

Dust Control in the Chemical Processing Industries

Dust in the chemical processing industries (CPI) is present in…

Create ‘as-built’ drawings in half the time

Until now, creating a set of "as-built" plant drawings meant…

Save time and water with this tank-cleaning machine

The new TJ40G rotary tank-cleaning machine (photo) uses a high-impact…

New swirl and vortex flowmeters with quick reaction time

A new range of vortex and swirl flowmeters (photo) includes…

New compact gear pumps fit into tight spaces

The UP2 family of self-priming, compact electric gear pumps (photo)…

This drum dumper is dust tight

A new Tip-Tite Mobile Drum Dumper (photo) allows dust-free transfer…

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Tubing for peristaltic dosing pumps

Peristaltic pumps work by compressing a tube against a circular…

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ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe invests in environmental protection  

ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG (Duisburg, Germany; has modernized the…