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4172 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Energy meter monitors heating or cooling systems for low cost

The DN-EM Energy Flow Monitor provides a low cost solution…

These new coatings additives are silicone-free

TEGO Flow 375 and TEGO Flow 460 N are two…

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Zero-liquid-discharge desalination system offers brine disposal alternative

A desalination system developed by Watervap LLC (Marble Hill, Ga.;…

Chemical Safety Board finds explosion was caused by cooling system failure in a runaway reaction

The massive December 2007 explosion and fire at T2 Laboratories…

A parallel reactor system for process optimization

The Atlas Parallel Systems — multi-position reactor stations for up…

A less complicated filtration system

As an alternative to more complex and expensive technologies, the…

A portable videoscope system with a 7-in. screen

Lenox Instrument A new Portable Videoscope System (photo) is designed…

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An inexpensive adsorbant for removing silver from wastewater

The release of silver from industrial wastewater has caused serious…

This control switch is ideal in separation tanks 

Fluid Components International The FlexSwitch FLT93S Flow/Level/Temperature Switch provides interface…

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Generate steam by solar heating with nanoporous graphene

Researchers, led by professor Mingwei Chen at the Advanced Institute…