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4172 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Current trends

Preliminary data for the February 2013 CE Plant Cost Index…

Technip awarded contract by Air Products for new industrial gas complex in Kochi, India

Technip (Paris, France; has been awarded by Air Products…

What Makes Paratherm Different? — Two Minute Video

How does Paratherm differ? We drew the differences in a…

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Important Determinants Of Solvent Selection  

    Early predictions suggested that solvents would eventually be…

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Bayer MaterialScience commissions new hydrogenation technical center  

Bayer MaterialScience AG (Leverkusen, Germany; has commissioned a new…

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New Performance Materials Solve Industrial Challenges

From additives to polymers to coatings to 3-D printables, new…

Single-Use (Disposable) Systems in Biopharmaceutical Processing: Quo Vadis? (1/2)

Single-use systems (SUS) are now used in the majority of…

Winning Portuguese team tackles salt-brine-crystallization spray system

Process Systems Enterprise (PSE; London, U.K.;, providers of the…

Ludwig’s Applied Process Design, Vol. 2  Reviewed by Aker Solutions’ Shah

Ludwig's Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, 4th…

An Interview with Martijn Janmaat, President & CEO, BlueCielo ECM Solutions

1. How has globalization affected your customer base and what…