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4172 results for: heat exchanger brushes

MVR technology optimizes energy use of evaporation plants

The operating costs of direct, steam-heated evaporators can significantly be…

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Technology Profile: L-lysine HCl Production from Glucose

Amino acids are the basis for all proteins and are…

Burner technology enables reduced NOx with short flame length

To comply with increasingly stringent regulations for NOx emissions, operators…

Withstand harsh outdoor conditions with this heat exchanger

The Climaguard Outdoor Heat Exchanger removes up to 3,000 W…

Newsfront: Reaching for a Solution  

The chemical process industries (CPI) are subjected to countless environmental,…

Post-Combustion Carbon Capture Technologies

Several carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) processes hold much promise,…

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Selling new technologies

During my youth, as a mass- and heat-transfer R&D manager,…

Developing practical technologies

I remember a cartoon a colleague once showed me when…

Current Economic Trends: April preliminary CEPCI

Preliminary data for the April  2013 CE Plant Cost Index…

DSM takes full ownership of Taiwan-based joint venture

Royal DSM (Heerlen, the Netherlands; has concluded the acquisition…