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4172 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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A continuous process to make graphene

An inexpensive and scalable process that uses supercritical (SC) liquids…


The first demonstration of a new high-temperature-superconducting cable was started…

Bioelectrochemical system treats wastewater and generates biogas

The first full-scale installation of a unique bioelectrochemical wastewater-treatment system…

Keep instrumentation free of condensation with this heater

Intertec Instrumentation This new range of steam heaters (photo) for…

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Extremophilic algae selectively recovers precious metals from solution

The research group of Ayumi Minoda at the University of…

Performance Additives and Specialty Materials

Waterborne polyurethane brings functionality to textiles Waterborne polyurethane coatings (photo)…

Spring terminals speed signal conditioners’ installation

The 12.5-mm wide KC Series Signal Conditioners — said to…

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Wacker opens technical center in India

Wacker Chemie AG (Munich, Germany; is strengthening its presence in…

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Special Flange Joints Used in Floating-Head Shell-and-Tube Heat Exchangers

Single-pass, floating-head heat exchangers are common in certain process operations,…

Special pumps for crude oil caverns

    KSB   This firm recently delivered three specially…