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4172 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Newsfront: Spotlight on Ammonia and Urea

  Although ammonia is still made by the near-century-old Haber-Bosch…

Spray drying by rotary atomization of lithium-ion battery materials

Spray drying has been applied for many years for production…

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Spotlight on Lithium

A huge growth in demand for lithium compounds is expected…

ACHEMA Trend Report Lab automation: Bright prospects in the lab

 Lab automation enables the efficient handling of tens of thousands…

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Chementator: A New Offshore GTL Production System Takes Advantage of Microchannel Reactors    

Toyo Engineering Corp. (TEC; Narashino, Japan;, Modec Inc. (Tokyo,…

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Development Speeds up In Catalysis

There might be as many categories of catalysts as there…

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The launch of a new bioethylene-production process

Last month, a new bioethanol-dehydration process was introduced by its…

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A PLA plant with new Sulzer/Purac technology starts up in the Netherlands  

The first polylactic acid (PLA) plant running with innovative Sulzer…

Pick the WFI System that Meets Your Needs

The Polaris range of water-for-injection (WFI) products is designed in…

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Corrosion: the silent killer

CUI — that acronym should be enough to capture your…