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4167 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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CPI Machinery: Commissioning, Startup and Piping

When it comes to rotating machinery (pumps, compressors, gas turbines,…

Sener starts up Noor Ouarzazate III solar receiver

Engineering and technology company Sener ( is putting into operation,…

Greenhouse Gases: U.S. Starts Counting

As 2009 came to a close, the U.S. crossed a…

Member Exclusive

Heap leaching targets nickel from laterite

The NiWest Nickel Laterite Project located at Murrin Murrin in…

This process gas chromatograph is fast

A relatively small shift in the cut point (the threshold…

A portable low-pressure steam generator with high throughput

The Steam-Flo SF-50 steam generator provides a portable source for…

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‘Super Boiler’ achieves higher efficiency through the recovery of waste heat

An advanced heat recovery system (AHRS) that boosts the fuel-to-steam…

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The Nobel Prize in Physics 2010

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the Nobel…

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Sizing, Specifying and Selecting Centrifugal Pumps

Determining the proper preliminary size for centrifugal pumps during the…

Hazards of Oil Refining Distillation Units — Stanley S. Grossel’s review

Hazards of Oil Refining Distillation Units. By BP International Ltd.…