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4182 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Dow and DuPont to combine in massive merger, creating DowDuPont

DuPont (Wilmington, Del.; and The Dow Chemical Company (Midland,…

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AkzoNobel to boost production of microspheres

With an investment of €30 million, AkzoNobel (Amsterdam, the Netherlands;…

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World’s first H2- fueling station to be supplied from municipal wastewater  

Air Products (Lehigh Valley, Pa.; today officially opened its…

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New Biturox project awarded to Pörner by Indian Oil  

In January 2013, Pörner Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, (Vienna, Austria; concluded…

Game-Changing Supercritical CO2 Systems Are Closer To Commercialization

Supercritical carbon dioxide (sCO2) cycles—which are inching closer to commercial…

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Scaleup for a new process to make Bio-Alkylate

Next spring, Exelus, Inc. (Livingston, N.J.; plans to pilot…

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Microbes convert stack gases to fuels and chemicals

A demonstration plant for a biological process that produces ethanol…

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Coke oven offgases may help to increase steel production

Two dissimilar iron-making methods — a conventional blast furnace using…

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Outotec to build the largest sewage-sludge thermal-treatment plant in Switzerland  

Outotec Oyj (Espoo, Finland; has signed a contract with…

Veolia’s crystallization technology chosen by EuroChem to produce KCl

EuroChem Group AG (Zug, Switzerland) has selected Veolia Water Technologies’…