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4166 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Industrial Wireless: Proven Success, Untethered Potential

For many years now, talk of wirelessly networking and transmitting…

Three-phase emulsifying technology makes a better diesel fuel

Researchers at Kanagawa University (Yokohama, Japan; have developed a…

This steam trap has a durable and efficient design

The P46S steam trap is the newest model in this…

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Project Success Builds On a Well-Defined Scope

    A clear definition of what a project will…

Ultra-high efficiency condensing boilers for tough conditions

The Triple-Flex Ultra-High Efficiency Condensing “Flexible Water Tube” Boilers (photo)…

This coal-gasification process produces H2- and CO-rich syngas in separate streams

A coal-gasification reactor that resembles a metals smelter and operates…

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Substitute natural gas déjà vu

Considering that a large fraction of the synthesis gas (syngas)…

These transmitters are for higher temperature water and corrosives

Made of chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), these flowrate transmitters offer…

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Capacity to double for an oil-shale process

Outotec GmbH (Oberursel, Germany), a 100% daughter company of Outotec…

Clariant and Huntsman to combine in merger of equals

Clariant (Muttenz, Switzerland; and Huntsman Corp. (The Woodlands, Tex.;…