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4176 results for: heat exchanger brushes

These heat exchangers offer benefits of a new welding process

Welded plate heat exchangers in plate-and-shell design provide a large…

Save energy with these laboratory reaction stations

Compared with the use of hotplate stirrers or heating mantles,…

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These microfluidic sensors can be made with a sewing machine

A low-cost method for fabricating microfluidic diagnostics devices using cotton,…


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Slash energy consumption with this new crossflow filtration process

Crossflow (CF) filtration is widely used for separating substances with…

Recently Published Books for the CPI

First to File: Patents for Today’s Scientist and Engineer. By…

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Trends in polymer processing

Because many of their products go directly to the ultimate…

Current economic trends

Preliminary data for the June 2013 CE Plant Cost Index…

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Teijin transfers 50% ownership in NatureWorks back to Cargill

Teijin Ltd. (Tokyo; announced today that it had transferred…

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Ethanol from Sugarcane

Ethanol is a widely used commodity chemical with several applications,…