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4166 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Waste Heat Recovery Methods And Technologies

Waste heat recovery (WHR) is essential for increasing energy efficiency…

Biodegradation and Testing of Scale Inhibitors

Water systems are common in the chemical process industries (CPI).…

Computer models reduce need for real-world testing

Accurate simulations can replace many experiments and plant field tests…

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This hybrid power-generation system combines SOFC and a gas turbine

Last month, Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems, Ltd. (MHPS; Yokohama, Japan;…

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Photochemical Processes in Stirred Tank Reactors

A general overview of industrial photochemistry and the design of…

Understanding Bends In Pneumatic Conveying Systems

Despite their apparent simplicity, bends are often poorly understood, and…

Cleaning syngas at high temperatures

RTI International (Research Triangle Park, N.C.;, in partnership with…

Revamps: Strategies for A Smooth Turnaround

Tie-in opportunities are few and far between. These rules of…

Measurement Best Practices for Safety Instrumented Systems

    The ANSI/ISA-S84.01-1996 standard, which has guided North American…

Pennsylvania slated to become home of first U.S. CTL plant…

After more than ten years of planning, WMPI Pty, LLC…