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4140 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Electrically powered heat pumps and vacuum pumps simplify CO2-capture retrofits

Meeting climate-change goals requires steep reductions in greenhouse-gas emissions from…

Troubleshooting a Trayed Distillation Column

Presented here is the progress and resolution of a troubleshooting…

Milling in the Pharmaceutical Industry

Milling active ingredients combines equipment selection, material characterization, and process…

Focus: Flowmeters

This flowmeter is designed for demanding applications Measuring volumetric flow…

Improve Ethylene Production Margins with Digitalization

Digitalization can help ethylene producers to flexibly respond to economic…

Westlake invests in Universal Matter Inc.

Westlake Innovations, Inc., a subsidiary of Westlake Corporation (Houston, Tex.;…

Desalination advances with new photothermal evaporator

Water scarcity is a growing global concern that is driving…

Faster kinetics for PFAS removal using existing infrastructure

A next-generation absorbent material with a high affinity for short-…

Chementator Briefs

Powerful permanent magnets Permanent magnets — materials that create their…

Single-atom catalysis reduces water-splitting costs

One of the main limiting factors in the production of…