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4166 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Particle Sizing Across the CPI

This survey of modern particle-measurement technologies demonstrates how selection criteria…

AEC PowerFlow’s Brad Buecker reviews the Nalco Water Handbook 3rd ed.

The Nalco Water Handbook, 3rd ed. By Daniel Flynn. McGraw…

Solutia heat transfer fluid selected for major tank-terminal expansion in Louisiana

International Matex Tank Terminals (IMTT; in St. Rose, Louisiana…

A commercial debut for a new process that removes phosphates and nitrogen from wastewater

Paques B.V. (Balk, Netherlands; has developed a cost-effective biological…

Member Exclusive

Save energy and water with a system that generates boiler makeup water

In boilers, silicates can volatilize with the generated steam and…

Scaleup is planned for a process that yields a fuel oil substitute from low-rank coals

  Silverado Green Fuel, Inc. (Vancouver BC, Canada; has…

Member Exclusive

Mixing: Impeller Performance in Stirred Tanks

Characterizing mixer impellers on the basis of power, flow, shear…

Recently Published Books for the CPI: March 2017

The following are recently published books relevant to professionals in…

Technology Showcase: Reverse Osmosis  

Market demand for water purification is driving reverse osmosis forward…

Consultant Stanley Grossel reviews Guidelines for Chemical Transportation Safety, Security and Risk Management, 2nd Ed.

Guidelines for Chemical Transportation Safety, Security, and Risk Management, 2nd…