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4164 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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Recent Air Regulations: Impact on Turnaround Vapor Deinventory Strategies

With the onset of new environmental regulations, turnaround teams must…

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Cybersecurity Threats Prompt Proactive Approach

An evolving threat landscape for plant security is attracting more…

Bp and Iberdrola announce final investment decision for largest green hydrogen plant in Spain

Bp plc (London) and Iberdrola S.A. (Bilbao, Spain) have given…

De Nora to supply electrolyzer technology for HyTecHeat steel project

Industrie De Nora S.p.A (Milan, Italy) announced that it is…

GEA Mechanical Vapor recompression: the versatile and mature technology of choice to decarbonize thermal separation plants

Sponsored by  A MVR heated thermal process significantly improves energy…

Member Exclusive

Convert CO2 to methanol at room temperature

A new electrocatalytic technology (diagram) is said to be the…

High productivity chocolate forming with this machine

The Rotoform HP (high performance) is the latest model in…

Golden Rules of Electrical Temperature Measurement

Understand and follow these tips to ensure accurate and reliable…

Member Exclusive

Centrifugal Pumps:When to Repair, Replace or Modify?

When a pump operates inefficiently, or fails all together, the…

Configurable safety modules for extreme ambient conditions

The PSRmodular XC (eXtended Conditions) configurable safety modules (photo) enables…