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4166 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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Finland becomes the home of a large biogasification plant

Metso (Helsinki, Finland; is supplying a 140-MWth biogasification plant…

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Meeting point for the CPI in China: AchemAsia opens in Beijing  

With 418 exhibitors, AchemAsia has opened in Beijing on Monday…

Gold-medal ways of going for the green

As it has for several years, the U.S. Environmental Protection…

Gold-medal ways of going for the green

As it has for several years, the U.S. Environmental Protection…

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Chementator: Improving the Performance of HDS Catalysts  

Researchers at Oxford Catalysts Ltd. (Oxford, U.K.; have shown…

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Chementator: New resin technology can reduce the weight of car parts

Toray Industries, Inc. (Tokyo, Japan; has developed a new…

Editor’s Page: 2008: Climate Still on the Plate  

In a ceremonious sense, the marking of a new year…

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Catalytic process cuts the cost of biodiesel fuel

Biodiesel fuel is being produced for under $2/gal from product…

On the subject of ethics

Thank you for writing this article [Engineering Ethics Survey: What’s…

Mixing in the spotlight

Pressure to become more flexible and provide shorter cycle times…