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4158 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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April Chementator Briefs

A hard biomaterial Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing…

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Chementator briefs

  CO2 for plastic Last month, a pilot plant that…

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Burner Inspection and Maintenance

Burners are mechanical devices that are utilized for mixing proper…

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Zarko’s challenge

Every distillation engineer west of the River Neretva is familiar…

Veolia inaugurates 12.4-MW of biogas-capture capacity in Brazil

Veolia (Paris) is inaugurating three new electric power plants at…

Multipurpose furnaces streamline loading and unloading

New GS2026 bench-mounted box furnaces (photo) include a spring-assist vertical-lift…

Clariant signs catalysis research partnership with ETH Zurich university

Clariant International Ltd. (Muttenz, Switzerland) has signed a cooperation agreement…

New flow and energy meters for non-invasive measurements

The Dynasonics TFX-5000 ultrasonic clamp-on flow and energy meters (photo)…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Low-Temperature Handling

Processes involving extremely low temperatures present unique process design and…

Harvesting lithium from seawater electrochemically

Although the oceans contain about 5,000 times more lithium than…