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4159 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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Chementator: Catalyst agreement

Biotage AB (Uppsala, Sweden; has signed two agreements with…

Alliance to End Plastic Waste adds 12 new companies

The Alliance to End Plastic Waste (AEPW; Washington, D.C.;…

Member Exclusive

Chem Chronicles: The first patent holder in the U.S. was a ‘Pott Ash Maker’

Robert Fulton, Eli Whitney, Thomas Edison, Henry Ford — these…

AGC to increase fluorochemcial production capacity

AGC Inc. (Tokyo) has decided to increase its production capacity…

Songwon partners with Uniwel to enhance PVC stabilizer business

Songwon Industrial Co., Ltd. (Ulsan, South Korea;, the second…

SNC-Lavalin to undertake feasibility study for the development of sulfuric acid plant in Australia

SNC-Lavalin Group Inc. (Montreal) will undertake a definitive feasibility study…

Eastman announces capacity expansion at Dresden plant

Eastman Chemical Co. (Kingsport, Tenn.; announced a capacity expansion…

Dinnissen expands with new building complex on the Sevenum industrial estate

Dinnissen Process Technology B.V. (Sevenum, the Netherlands; continues to…

A new membrane for natural gas processing

Sepuran NG (photo) is a hollow-fiber membrane based on a…

A pair of evaporators for well plates

The TurboVap 96 Dual (photo) is a second-generation well plate…