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4159 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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Thermal energy-storage system using phase-change materials

Scientists at the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory…

HeidelbergCement to pilot carbon capture project in Eastern Europe

HeidelbergCement has announced plans to pilot a carbon capture project…

Toray commercializes nylon grade with 100% bio-based synthetic polymers

Toray Industries, Inc. (Tokyo, Japan) announced that it has developed…

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Scaleup for an ethanol-to-ethylene process

Last May, Axens (Rueil-Malmaison, France; started up the first…

Your Off-line pH Measurements Might Be Misleading and Costing You a Lot of Money

Off-line lab measurements of pH are often used for process…

Books for the CPI: November 2019

The following is a list of selected titles that have…

A Better Battery: An Overview of Solid-State Technologies

The weight of traditional batteries is an issue that impacts…

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Thin-Film Drying Offers Deep Benefits

Thin-film drying is a continuous drying technology that is safe,…

Veolia offers to acquire 29% stake in SUEZ

Veolia (Paris) announced today that it has made a firm…

Focus on Laboratory Equipment

Laboratory homogenizer for challenging products The TriplexPanda Lab Homogenizer (photo)…