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4164 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Remote Thermal Sensing

By making it easy to detect heat anomalies, thermal cameras…

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Chementator: New solid-state heat engine cycles H 2 through MEA like a fuel cell    

Johnson ElectroMechanical Systems, Inc. (Atlanta, Ga.; in conjunction with…

Increase Productivity Through Better Gas-Liquid Mixing  

    Mixing is one of the oldest unit operations…

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Project Optimization Through Engineering

In the face of intense market pressures, companies are increasingly…

Optimizing Flare Operation Through Proper Design

Flare problems are often caused by the seal systems that…

WEB EXCLUSIVE: Design and Selection of Laboratory Reactors for Catalyst Testing

The design and selection of reactors to evaluate catalyst candidates…

Piping for Process Plants Part 6: Testing and Verification

This sixth and final part of a series of articles…

Temperature measurement

HART-compatible transmitter eases temperature monitoring Industrial sensors monitor temperature or…

B&W SPIG awarded three contracts in first quarter of 2017

Babcock & Wilcox Enterprises, Inc. (B&W; Charlotte, N.C.;, announced…

Member Exclusive

Agglomeration Technology: Mechanisms

Powder agglomeration is used in a wide variety of the…