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4129 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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Engineering Practice: Estimating Thermal Conductivity of Hydrocarbons

The thermal conductivity of hydrocarbons is an essential parameter that…

Nanoholes improve the light absorption of TiO2

  The ability of titanium dioxide to absorb ultraviolet A…

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Chementator: Putting the best facet on TiO2 crystals  

Single crystals of high-purity, anatase titanium dioxide with a high…

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Solubility of Water in Benzenes As a Function of Temperature

The solubility of water in hydrocarbons contained in crude oil…

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Good Times for Refiners

    Improved profitability in the refining industry has brought…

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Newsfront: Fuel Cells Move into the CPI Plant

Fuel cells and hydrogen economy are inevitably used in the…

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Water-saving strategies for the CPI

Reducing freshwater consumption and wastewater discharge at large petroleum-refining and…

Considering Fugitive Emissions During the Conceptual Design Stage

The ability to reduce fugitive emissions through the use of…

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Tank Coatings: Covering the Basics of Selection and Specification

The interior surfaces of your storage tanks are constantly at…

Piping-System Leak Detection and Monitoring for the CPI

Leaks in a chemical process industries (CPI) facility can run…