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4158 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Catalysis Fundamentals

Catalysis is among the most important chemical phenomena in industrial…

Reduce Risk and Cost with a Lifecycle Approach to Process Safety

Better upfront planning and management can lead to safer, more…

Member Exclusive

Solar-electric hybrid furnace could enable improved magnesium processing

A new high-temperature reactor that can draw power from conventional…

Quadruple Sensor Lifetime with a Retractable Housing

A housing is not just there to hold a sensor…

Lloyd’s Register: New software for monitoring rotating and instrumentation equipment  

Lloyd’s Register (London, U.K.; says it has designed industry’s…

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These ‘imprinted’ resin beads selectively recover gold from leaching processes

In early April, 6th Wave Innovations Corp. (Salt Lake City,…

Process Changes: Understanding and Mitigating Fire-and Life-Safety Risk Factors

When making a change in your process, do not overlook…

Modularization: Managing Project Delivery Risk in the Time of COVID

Taking a modular approach to capital projects offers a pathway…

Power-to-X: Batteries Not Required

As renewable energy becomes increasingly available (and less expensive), Europeans…

Plant Revamps and Turnarounds: Some Lessons Learned

A plant turnaround is always challenging in the chemical process…