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4176 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Focus on Compressors

Ingersoll Rand This compressor matches output to demand The Nirvana…

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Project design decision-making: Option lists

Most of the more than $100 billion in capital spending…

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Mixers: Four Innovations Worth a Closer Look

Many factors can impact the success of mixing in chemical…

A mixer for processing a wide range of viscous products

Ekato Ruhr- und Mischtechnik Today, the production of viscous products…

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Ineos moves forward with waste-to-energy CHP plant

Further to the announcement today that Viridor Laing (Greater Manchester)…

Enel Energia begins construction on CCHP biomass plant in Italy

Enel Energia (Rome, Italy; has begun construction of an…

IGCC plant celebrates 10 years of operation

Elcogas S.A., a company owned by the Spanish energy group…

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New boiler fuels from oil, coal and biomass wastes

Composite liquid and slurry boiler fuels have been produced from…

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Minimizing Flame Impingements In Fired Heaters

    Fired heaters are used considerably in the chemical…

Vacuum Measurement – Pirani Gauges

Pirani gauges are a group of indirect measuring pressure gauges…