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4176 results for: heat exchanger brushes

Keep Control of Your Dust

Better control of baghouses and cartridge-type dust collectors can pay…

Beware of Flow-Accelerated Corrosion

Many chemical process industries (CPI) facilities utilize high-pressure steam generators…

Fundamentals of High-Shear Dispersers

Successful dispersion depends on a basic understanding of dispersion equipment…

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October chementator briefs

Improved C5 use Some 106,000 ton/yr of so-called spent C5…

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October Chementator Briefs

  A step closer to bio-based acrylic acid Last month,…

Focus On: Boiler & Cooling Water Handling

Continuously measure chlorine in water The Model TCL (photo, upper…

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An enhanced photocatalyst for making H2 from water

Kazuhiro Sayama and colleagues at the Solar Light Energy Conversion…

Advanced Liquid Analytics Aid Process Optimization

Digitalized, cost-effective instruments allow more measurement points and provide usable…

ABB’s gas analyzer lab receives accreditation for independent testing and calibration

ABB’s (Zurich, Switzerland; Measurement Products business announced that its…

Dimensionless numbers in fluid dynamics

Dimensionless numbers refer to physical parameters that have no units…