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4164 results for: heat exchanger brushes

What to See at the Chem Show  (part 1)  

Dual-disc check valves cut fugitive emissions The dual-disc wafer check-valve…

Praxair signs contracts to install Optimelt and O2-supply systems with leading glassmaker

  Praxair, Inc. (Danbury, Conn.; today announced it has…

Member Exclusive

Low-cost carbon-fiber production plant poised to break ground

Demand for carbon fiber (CF), which can be used to…

Member Exclusive

A way to dry compressed air more cost effectively

After years of testing and development, Atlas Copco Compressors LLC…

DOE to invest $60 million to develop CSP technologies  

As part of the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s (DOE; Washington,…

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Chementator: A more efficient way to extract energy from coal

A process that produces hydrogen from coal with close to…

Letters to the Editor: Carbon Steel Piping

At the April 2016 Seattle meeting of the ASME B31.3…

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Using sunlight to incorporate CO2 into alpha-amino ketones

The research group of Masahiro Murakami at Kyoto University (Kyoto,…

Harvesting vibrations to power devices

Vibrations from rotating equipment are routinely analyzed for condition monitoring.…

Resodyn to Unveil ‘Entirely New’ Mixing Technology at Chem Show

The technology — now being demonstrated at the company’s booth…