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4176 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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Liquid-infused surfaces move toward commercial applications

A set of technologies that create an immobilized thin layer…

Solutia’s Therminol heat transfer fluids selected for a new world-scale polysilicon plant in China

Solutia Inc. (St. Louis, Mo.; announced today that it…

Coal-pyrolysis process yields oil plus ‘clean coal’

A medium-temperature pyrolysis process that coproduces coal-tar oil and an…

Orion Engineered Carbons selects Topsoe’s fluegas technology for Louisiana site

Orion Engineered Carbons S.A. (Luxembourg; has signed a contract…

Superstorm’s impact on CE

Many readers of this magazine are familiar with the impact…

June: New Products (North America)

Device Modulates Capacity in R-410A Refrigerant AC Systems The APR-410…

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A high-temperature F-T process demonstrated in China

Synfuels China Technology Co. (Beijing; says it has developed…

Preventing Fires and Explosions in Pilot Plants

    Among pilot plants, those in petrochemical or petroleum-refining…

Biomass Combustion Offers 3-to-1 Fuel Cost Reduction

Among the most pressing concerns for the chemical process industries…

Carbon nanotube ‘paper’ could reduce Pt content in fuel cells

One of the biggest factors hindering widespread adoption of polymer…