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4176 results for: heat exchanger brushes

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Hamworthy lands breakthrough liquefaction contract for biogas plant  

Hamworthy Oil & Gas Systems (Poole, Dorset, U.K.; has…

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Kemira inaugurates its largest water-treatment chemicals plant; and more business news

PLANT WATCH Kemira inaugurates its largest water-treatment chemicals plant October 9,…

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Facts at your Fingertips: Vacuum Pumps

Vacuum is any system of reduced pressure, relative to local…

Amec Foster Wheeler wins boiler contract for Louisiana methanol plant

Amec Foster Wheeler (London, U.K.; announced that its Global…

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Lanxess builds new plant in Germany

Lanxess AG (Leverkusen, Germany; is building a new chemical…

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Waste-to-ethanol plant on pace for mid-2012 operation

Impending standards requiring that cellulosic ethanol be used in gasoline…

June New Products (domestic edition)    

    Expanded range of sizes now offers supersized rupture…

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A new approach to maintaining tubular heat exchangers

At the 2nd Annual ChemInnovations Conference and Expo (Houston; September…

A double planetary mixer for viscous materials

Often used for the mixing of high-viscosity materials (up to…

Improving Biodiesel Processing

Biodiesel, the methyl ester of fatty acids, has been accepted…